Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Physiotherapy =))

Ehhh, I din't mention it right??

It's been around two months since I started this course!

Well...The reason why I choose this basically is bcos

-I like to work in hospital!
-I like helping people in pain!
-I enjoy their healing process and back to normal functioning life!
-I want to experience difference chapters each day in my life!
-I have always craved excitement especially in acute hospital that has many E&Rs happen everday.
  (((((I know it sounds sick!))))

Kays,I have decided to be an PT so...please people,don't judge me as u dunno what is inside!
I know I've finished STPM which is A-level and eligible to enter Uni but instead I choose to study NYPoly which is for SPM(O-level) somemore is Diploma in PT.

BUT,please lah (singlish come out)~~~~

Can you go and do research before you judge me?!
PT this course is only available in NYP in whole island of Singapore!
Besides, this is a 3+1 course which is 3 years of Diploma level and 1 year to pursue Degree level!

So,next time, don't give me that disdainful look!!!!


Sorry for the title.
I just....URGHHHHH!!!!!!!

1) Do nothing during this two-weeks holidays.
2) Saw somebody FB and posts make me devastated. LOL.
It's like no one force me to search them but SATAN!
Temptation from satans is horrible,terrible,unbelievable.
3) Worry about the coming celebration,YOU know...Not having any friends...*sob* *sob*
I wish someone will celebrate with me!!!!!!

Okay. That's it. Bye.