Monday 12 June 2017


I guess… everything will be alright.
They will fall back to their own shape. Where they belong. And I believe that you're so gonna find another target in not much time. Good for ya. Bye.

早晨 :3

有时候  我真的觉得




“你说你有点难追 想让我知难而退
礼物不需要最贵 只要香榭和落叶
亲爱的别任性 拥有你就拥有全世界”

只是我不想说,因为 呵呵 我对自己说过(也对上帝提过) 如果那位是对的人,他会唱/提到那些虏获我心的歌曲😊,他会与我有同感😘 等待吧!至于这告白气球,太多人懂我喜欢!不行~我只要我的那位懂我。

告诉自己 你是值得被爱的,值得被疼爱的,直到被放在掌心,别妥协。

一个真正爱你的人是不会想伤害你的、是不会让你担心 害怕 受伤害.. 他会珍惜你,不让你落泪.

Dont give in into an almost relationship.
Once you do, you're just hurting yourself. Girl, you deserve the best. Avoid convincing yourself that this toxic guy us the one you meant to be with.
No! You're the precious daughter of God! And you definitely deserve the best from Him. 😘

And through this relationship, I realized that I'm actually not ready/ not fit for a relationship. My behavior and my thoughts still don't change over the years. I thought I have, but in fact I couldn't.
I'm still in the extreme slot. Lack of insecurity, doubtful.
I really need to work on my emotional control.